2020 Semaine 34 (17-23 août)


Welkam lo Vanuatu evriwan

We are not sitting in front of a picture.  This is the real deal.  

We had a lovely dinner with Doctor Matt Cornish and his wife Vicky who have been living in Vanuatu with their children for a year.  We are so thankful for the many blessings they have provided to the people, the missionaries and to us.  It is all part of the Lord's plan.  We all enjoy serving  Him here.

Life in Vanuatu

When I was ready to wash the dishes, this little guy was in one of the sinks.  Being as still as it could.  I usually use both sinks but decided to change my plan.  We had a silent observer as we did the dishes that night.  He stayed there for the rest of the evening.  I checked before we turned off the light to go to bed and he had not moved.  

ABM is for  Au Bon Marché.  It is a Supermarket a gas station and a car wash.

The garbage truck.  We buy the quite expensive yellow bags for the garbage and I was told they use a proceed of the price of these bags to pay the garbage collectors.
You can see on the right side of this picture the platforms built to put the bags so the numerous stray dogs cannot get to them.

On a nicer note, here are pictures of trees and flowers on the mission home property.  It is so pretty.

                                                           It will be Mango season soon.

It's picture time at the mission Office.  This week we were told of the possibility of 17 missionaries returning home.  One left this morning, Sunday, from Honiara, Solomon Islands to Samoa where he will quarantine for 14 days.
Five have returned this afternoon with an overnight in Honiara then a flight home to Papua New Guinea Monday where they will quarantine for 14 days.
The flight for the 11 others to Tonga has been changed to, we hope the beginning of September.
It is quite stressful and a yoyo for the emotions of all concerned.  But they smile and go with the flow.  I, on the other hand, am learning to chill and trust.😏

Back to school for our "bubu lo South Carolina"  our grandchildren in South Carolina.
Have a great school year!💖💖💖💖💖

"And the Lord spake unto Moses saying,...
you shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them,
The Lord bless you and keep you:
The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them."
Numbers 6:22-27

Our counsel to all our beloved:

The Lord has said" Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give thee rest."

"Jesus said unto him...come and follow me." Matt 19:21

Our prophet has said to Hear Him.  We know we can rest in his love and find peace as we follow Him and hear Him.

Mifala lavem yu tumas.


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