2020 Semaine 37 (7-13 septembre)

The theme of this blog this week has to be the importance of families.

This is the bishop, Honore Tiansinal and his wife Mary, in the ward we attend .  Today was his last Sunday as the bishop of our ward because he is moving to another part of the island (in Paonangisu).
It was also his birthday today.  His family participated in a musical number by presenting a song he wrote (words and music) entitled Hear Him! It was a touching moment. 

After the closing prayer, the ward family sang : "God be with you till we meet again."

One of his cute grandsons

All the girls in the family had a home made dress and the men and boys had a tie made from all the same fabric.  It was beautiful to behold.

The relief Society Presidency made a cake for him to enjoy together with the ward family  after Sunday School.

These two sisters from French Polynesia returned home this week and were greeted by their families with much joy and flowers.

Our missionaries are like our children.  Here is Elder Okka, who was sick last week in the hospital and feeling a little bit better this week.

This is our mission now.  We held a zone/mission conference this week.  It use to take almost six weeks to go all around the mission to hold our zone conferences. 
We had a three hour conference then  lunch.  We now have 5 weeks to prepare for the next one. 

I made some curtains for some sister missionaries apartment in Freswota. I made 5 sets.  We installed two for one bedroom and the other 3 are ready to install this coming week for the other bedroom.  I still have to sew two sets for their living room.  It is a new apartment for these 5 sisters.

We have another new apartment for a companionship of sisters.  They are waiting for me to go see what I can do for their curtains.  I am using fabric that was left at the mission home, and I am enjoying this very much.  😀

We rejoiced in the achievements of our grandsons this week.

Jaden worked on a model of the Arctic (with some help from his sister Bella).  I helped Bella two years ago when she had a model to build.  It was so much fun to do.  I wish I could have participated in this project also.  Obviously they do not need my help and did a fantastic job.  I would have liked to join in the fun though.

Kade participated in a craft project with his mom.  They hand knitted together a blanket for Kade .  I can't wait for him to show me how to do this.  Another project I hope to do with the grand kiddos.  It looks great Kade and sooo comfy.

It was Leah's birthday this week and we enjoyed wishing her happy birthday.

 Emma waived goodbye when it was time to go.  I am sure she thinks we live in the computer.  Can't wait to hug and kiss you all.

Family!  What a tremendous blessing you all are.

We need to take care of each other.  There is nothing more precious in the whole world.

In my scripture study this week, I thought of all of you.  
3 Nephi 4:18
"..it was impossible...to lay siege sufficiently long to have any effect upon them, because of their much provision which they had laid up in store."

We may feel in siege when we are sick, spiritually uncertain, the coronavirus stopping us to go to the temple or going to church or getting together.  Do we have much provision laid up in store so that the siege will not have any effect on our family, and stop us from becoming an eternal family?

Food for thought.

Mifala misim yufala bigwan. 
Mifala lavem yufala tumas!



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