2020 Semaine 38 (14-20 septembre)


Beautiful sights of Vanuatu

This week the bushes on the grounds of the mission home got a trim.  When I saw the beautiful hibiscus on the ground, I thought I could let them live the rest of their lives in a vase  and bring their beauty inside.  That is until, up close,  I saw all the ants crawling.   Instead, I put them on the table on the patio where I can safely see them without being bothered by the ants. 

This little hermit crab was outside our door last evening.  We saw those on the islands of Santo and Tanna.  It was the first time to see one outside our door.


 I saw this sleeping beauty at the end of a busy week pondering the next transfers.😏

This week we visited the sisters in Freswota to join them in their companionship study. I would like to share one comment that was made about their studies of 3Nephi 11:2-3 

"...they were also conversing about this Jesus Christ...while they were thus conversing one with another, they heard a voice as if it came out of heaven..."

The comment was that as missionaries they have many opportunities to converse about the Savior one with another: companionship study, district council, teaching situation etc.

That is also a time to receive revelation, hear the voice of the Spirit, 

We heard the voice of the Spirit as we were discussing the principles we had understood during our personal scripture study. 

"Behold my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name --hear ye him." 3 Nephi 11:7

It testified to me again that Jesus Christ is the Beloved Son of God, my Redeemer, the Life and the Light of the world. If I open my eyes, my ears and my heart I will hear Him every time. 

This knowledge brings me so much joy.  I feel to join the saints in verses 16-17

"And when they had all gone forth and had witnesses for themselves, they did cry out with one accord, saying:

"Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Most High God!  And they did fall down at the feet of Jesus, and did worship him."

One day I will kneel in front of Him to worship Him.  In the meantime, I feel to worship Him more and more as my understanding and witness grow.

We have to drink at this fountain again with all the missionaries and visit them also. 

At the same time, we took the last pair of curtains I made for their house.

Following are the pictures of the curtains made for Freswota House

This week I worked on the curtains of Malapoa House.  I finished making them yesterday.  Next week,  we will install them and I will take pictures.  We will take the opportunity to join in their companionship study.

In August and September, we opened up three new houses for the missionaries.  They were an upgrade for the needs.  Our wonderful senior missionaries being gone back home, I was blessed to make curtains.  It was such a pleasure to be able to do so.  I still have one new house to go assess the needs of curtains. 😁

President Nelson told us that we would be using our talents in this responsibility, the ones we knew about and new ones.  I am a teacher, a nurse, a seamstress, a listening ear, a cheerleader, a travel agent,
a secretary, a financial clerk, a house coordinator, a fellow servant, a confidant, a mother, an eternal companion...and I am loving every minute of it.

Yufala kat wan gudfala wik.
Mifala lavem yufala tumas!


  1. You are unstoppable Diane! Keep up the great work! Thinking of you... JaeLeen :)


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