2021 Month 5:2 (10-16 May)


This week I want to start the blog with the most important first.  We love you so much.  You are in our thoughts and prayers every day, every moment of every day!

I have enjoyed studying D&C 50 this week. I could mention many verses but I will focus on three:
"That which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.  That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.  And I say it that you may know the truth, that you may chase darkness from among you;" verses 23-25

"Charity edifieth" 1 Cor 8:1  In the footnotes edify is build up, strengthen, establish, repair.

I experienced both this week.  Events that brought darkness in my heart and other ones that brought light.  I could always choose to look for the light and not stay in the sad darkness.  Charity was always the answer because it edifies.  As you know charity encompasses many things (see Moroni 7:43-48)
I really do not like staying in the sad darkness.  My favorite color is yellow, my favorite flower is a daisy (such a happy looking flower).
I received a dress from the sister missionaries for mother's day. That brought me light and a smile.

A missionary team shared with us their experience visiting the women correctional center with the members of their ward.  They told us of the joy they felt and saw in the ladies' eyes as they shared the message of the restoration and the Book of Mormon.  A year ago, the caretaker of this facility and his wife were baptized by the missionary who has now returned to this ward and participated in the visit and was sharing his experience with us.  Then I saw them, outside the office, answering questions and giving a copy of the Book of Mormon to a gentleman.  I saw light and joy that day in their countenance.  My heart was filled with light also.

We received a package this week that was sent to one missionary on 20 February 2020.  This missionary has finished his mission at the end of 2020.  There were 2 pairs of pants in the package and some candy.  We contacted the returned missionary and it was wonderful to talk to him by Video Messenger.  The pants will bless other missionaries who are in need of them and the candy was enjoyed by our hard working Office Elders.

Today we attended a ward in a building where two wards meet back to back.  Below you can see the business of one ward leaving the chapel and the other one coming in.  We meet outside the chapel for Sunday School with a beautiful view.  We were asked to give our testimony at the conclusion of Sacrament meeting.  I was amazed to hear my voice speaking Bislama with ease.  I know then, it is the Holy Ghost helping me and it is thrilling to experience it.
Grand-papa gave his testimony all in Bislama for the first time.  Usually he will say a few words in Bislama, but this time he only said a very few words in English.  I was so 
happy for him.  I know the members appreciate it also.

Last picture:

This is the tie of our Mission President who is at the end of 
his service.  It's a little frazzled.  Luckily, he is holding on a lot better than his tie.

Yufala i kat wan gudfala wik.  Lukum yu nexis taem!


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