2021 Month 6:2 (7-13 June)


We saw this beautiful rainbow going to Church this morning.

We are trying to take it all in even more as our return home is getting closer.
We still do not have the exact date we are leaving.  Still waiting for flight to be organized.  

We did however receive the wonderful news about the visa of the next Mission President and his wife.  We have all the documents and it is now in the hands of Church Travel to make their arrival a reality.   They told us they will be set apart on Wednesday 15 June.  We may have some news on the next blog. 😁
Could not resist to take another snap shot of the mission home's backyard view one more time.

This week was zone (mission) conference.  It may be the last one.  For this reason we asked all the missionaries to write their testimony for us.  We usually ask the missionaries before they leave.  I make a copy for us and they keep the original.  

We discussed 3 easy tips to easily keep our house clean and be a place for the Holy Ghost to dwell.

How to make the Savior the center of our teachings. 
 We used the doctrines taught in Lesson #2 Plan of Salvation

Everything revolve around the Savior.  Their is no Plan of Happiness without the Savior.

We also reviewed how to plan social media posts that create 
Gospel discussions, help find people to teach and share the Gospel.

Finally we talked about working with the members to share the Gospel in natural and simple ways.

"Love, Share and Invite"

Love others is what the Lord asks us to do and shows that we are His disciples.
Share what brings you joy with those you love.
Invite those you love to come and serve with you.

Life in Vanuatu:

We got a new bed and mattress this week!  It is really nice.  I like the drawers on each side of the bed.  It provides more space to store things.

The A/C was also replaced in our room and the painters started on Friday to paint the interior.  New curtains will be put in also throughout the house.  Only the ceiling in our bedroom and the master bathroom were painted Friday.  We will get to see some of the changes. The walls were not painted because they had the wrong color. 😯

Old                                                                        New

A few weeks ago, we visited the Branch in Paonangisu, about 55 minutes from Port Vila.  The chapel is surrounded by lemon trees and we brought back a few.  Yesterday, I cut one up and was surprised to see it was orange.  It is still a lemon and it tastes like a lemon only the color is orange.  When we first arrived, we bought what we taught were oranges...😀 We learned by experience.

Two more little pictures of the sun setting seen from our house.

Today we visited the Erakor Branch.  It was the last of the stake units in our tour before we go.  Next Sunday, we will return to our designated ward: Port Vila Ward Nambatu.

I am so grateful for the help of the Holy Ghost to understand most of what is spoken now and that we can speak a little Bislama also.  During Relief Society, I felt so much love for these sweet sisters.  We were discussing Sister Cristina B. Franco's talk "The Healing Power of Jesus Christ" given in October 2020 General Conference.
I was touched by their testimony of faith in the Lord and how He rescues them.  One shared how when times are hard because of the bad treatment she receives from her man, how much comforts she receives as she turns to the Lord in prayer and the peace and strength she receives.  She said she prays for him that he will be freed from his addictions. This precious daughter of our Heavenly father is receiving now the lessons from the sister missionaries.  The sisters missionaries were touched by her words and so was I.  Before I left, I shook her hand and I shared with her the strong feelings that came to my heart as she was sharing her testimony. "I know you are a daughter of God.  I feel his great love for you and He will continue to watch over you."  As if the situation in her family is not bad enough, I could see the poor vision in her eyes and it seems the child she was breastfeeding had the same problem with his eyes.  I really did feel how much Heavenly father loves her and He is watching over her.  I also felt her love and trust in the Lord.  I will never forget these feelings that brought me great comfort for this sweet daughter of God.

One last picture of our beautiful view...for today. 😀




  1. It's always wonderful to read your blog and the experiences you share. I'll miss it when you come home, but maybe we will get to see you in person. With love to you both and Happy Father's Day to the President!!!


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