2021 Month 6:3 (14-20 June)


I just love Sundays.  A peaceful time to recharge.

It was an upside down week at the mission home as painters came every day to paint inside.  Yesterday, Saturday, we moved everything out of the pantry and removed boxes of old curtains and chairs from the little office in preparation for Monday, the last two places to paint in the house.  We have been waiting for a company to come and remove those chairs and curtains. The painters will also put some varnish on the ceilings in 4 rooms (living room, entry, dining room and sun room)


At the same time, we had electricians working outside where they had dug trenches all around the pool to repair the wiring for the lights outside.  It looks like a disaster area, but the lights are working and I imagine the dirt will be put back in its place...soon (whenever soon will be).  

The pool will be drained yet again to try to repair the ever present leak (or maybe leaks).  We should not be here when this happens but who knows.  Heavenly Father does know.  

"Therefore, dearly beloved, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."  
D&C 123:17

I love that scripture! Maybe next blog, I will be able to announce when we are coming home.

                                               This is what grand-papa's briefcase looks like after three years.


Man at work 😁

Around 8:00 am, this worker, part of the team of electricians, would arrive before the others.  And when we would come back at the mission home late afternoon, we would sometimes see him in the same position.  When grand-papa saw him one morning, "man at work" is what came out.  We know he works also. 😊 

This is a little house we started renting for a companionship of missionaries in Erakor Village in May.
No missionaries have lived in it yet.  There is always something happening.  It is a brand new construction.  Now we have less missionaries and some areas are being closed.  Eventually, this little house will welcome missionaries.

living room                                                                      kitchen

bedroom                                  another room used to eat and study and store their clothes

bathroom and shower                       back porch to put the washing machine and rope to hang laundry

We enjoyed starting the week talking to two super hero girls.  Can't wait to hug the family!

I leave you this week with the words of Elder Christofferson to the missionaries 

and to all of us.  The Book of Mormon, Another Testimony of Jesus Christ, is a pearl of great price in my life. 

Elder Peter M. Johnson of the Seventy encouraged us in his talk at General Conference, October 2019 to pray and read the Book of Mormon every day, every day, every day, to overcome the power of the adversary.  He also said: "My dear friends, please do not let anyone steal your happiness."

I echo his words.



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