2019 Week 19-20 (5-19 May)

Wonderful and busy two weeks.

We said goodbye to 10 great beautiful missionaries.  They will always hold a special place in our heart.  We welcomed 3 enthusiastic missionaries.  What a blessing for the mission to have them come join us.  They already have met some challenges because of luggage not following two of them.  Blessed are the travel elders!  They get things going during transfer week and are up for the challenges.  Elder Reodava from the Philippines, suffers from motion sickness.  He got a rough start jet lagged and upset stomach.  We saw him this week in Tanna and he was all smiles and radiating.👍

This week was a feast for the eyes with the beautiful rainbows, sunsets and nature all around us.

At the airport, just before we left for Tanna in a tiny plane.

  Elder Clark and Elder Wilson our great, wonderful,  sweet ( I did not know which one to write so I wrote all three qualifiers) assistants.

We were in Tanna for 4 days (Thursday-Sunday). We are returning to Port Vila today Monday.
Such a beautiful island and people.  I will let the pictures describe our very enjoyable and uplifting trip.
16 May 2019:

The Evergreen Resort where we stayed

 Exercise equipment in the pool.  We have to try this next time we go.

17 May 2019 Zone Conference

The district president's wife prepared the meal for our zone conference.  She is the sweetest.
On the left is manioc, then laplap and a vegetable soup.  It was delicious!

There are 18 elders in the Tanna Zone.  No sisters on that island.  It is what we call a bush area.

The rainbows are following me 😎

The garden at Evergreen Resort

At the entrance of the resort is the board with all the activities they offer.

18 May 2019  Baptism and visit of the Lenakel Branch

Walking to the house of a family being baptized.

This sweet  little girl gave me an orange from their garden

The Lenakel chapel

The dining area of the resort

19 May 2019  Tanna District Conference

I made a quick drawing of stairs leading to the temple for the training I gave to the Relief Society Sisters. Some children wanted their picture taken in front of the temple before the training session started.  I thought it was very sweet.  The picture of the temple was very basic, not even pretty, but they knew it was the drawing of a temple and how precious the temple is.  

                    Very sweet and juicy

Some recurring messages from Zone and District Conferences:
“ There is a careful way and a casual way to do everything, including living the gospel.  As we consider our commitment to the Savior, are we careful or casual?” Becky Craven

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.  Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days."  D&C 64:33-34

Another beautiful sunset.

Even the moon was magical.  I wish the picture was more like the real thing.

20 May 2019

On our way to the airport.  Port Vila here we come!

                 Mifala lavem yufala tumas.  


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