
Showing posts from August, 2019

2019 Week 35 (25-31 Aug)

Every week, grand-papa reads letters from the missionaries.  On Monday and on Wednesday.  Some weeks are easier than others.  This week was a little harder.  On Monday, after reading many letters of missionaries that are struggling with different things, it was a bit heavy on his mind and heart.   Tuesday came with some challenges in the districts.  A rough beginning of the week that makes one think " two years instead of three sounds good right now." and  " I can see myself with all the family watching  them play board games.  That would be pretty nice right now." There is a good side to the challenges that we face.  We always learn something and we always feel Heavenly father's help and love.  This time grand-papa decided to take a break and search the scriptures for guidance and comfort.  He found both.  Let me share one scripture that put things into perspective and helped receive more direction. "And if any man hear my words, and believe n

2019 Week 34 (19-25 août)

I had to slow down this week because my foot was hurting around my ankle.  It does that sometimes. I am thankful that I am feeling better and ready for the zone conference in the Solomon Islands next week. I finished the $40 bag of Belgian Chocolate Chips I bought a year ago. I hope I can find another one. Do not think that I have been eating less chocolate.  We have been buying Lindt chocolate bars also.😋😉 The main events this week were the arrival of a new sister missionary, Sister Halatokoua and the departure of one of our Elders finishing his mission, Elder Cox. And... We attended the baptismal service of  Nadine and Sharon yesterday. We met Nadine when she came to the mission office because we needed some quotes on air conditioning units.  Elder Anderson who has the assignment in audits in our mission was at the office that day and he started to talk to her  and when he found out she spoke French he made sure to introduce her to us and we started speaking

2019 Week 33 (12-18 Aout)

Another beautiful and busy week with the missionaries in Efate and New Caledonia for zone conferences.  Grand-papa saw 40 missionaries in interviews in Efate and 42 missionaries in New Caledonia. He also answered 46 missionaries' letters.  He is a lot more busy than I am. I attended a class for 5 missionaries preparing to go home next transfer called " My Plan".  A missionary couple with the assignment of self-reliance supervised the discussion at the mission home.  It is a very good program to help missionaries at the end of their mission and after. Efate Zone                                         The wonderful sisters who helped with the food. Sister Carlson (second to the left) had a catering business before she came on her mission.  It was her first time preparing the meal for the Efate Zone Conference lunch and not the last time.  I told her she is hired 😊 And I will need her help for the leavers and arrivers' meals.  She is heaven sent that is

2019 Week 32 (5-11 aout)

Today is Wednesday August 7, 2019.   I was reading in the Book of Mormon in Bislama Moroni chapter 7. I would like to share with you some verses and an experience to confirm a teaching in these verses. “ 27 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, have a miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God… 29 And because he hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have a angels ceased to minister unto the children of men. 30 For behold, they are subject unto him , to minister according to the word of his command, showing themselves unto them of strong faith and a firm mind in every form of a godliness . Yesterday we had zone conference in the Santo zone.   One missionary, during the last part of conference where we share testimonies, stood up and share this sacred story that happened to him while he was serving in Tanna.   One morning, him and his companion were p