2019 Week 32 (5-11 aout)

Today is Wednesday August 7, 2019.  I was reading in the Book of Mormon in Bislama Moroni chapter 7.

I would like to share with you some verses and an experience to confirm a teaching in these verses.

27 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, have amiracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God…
29 And because he hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have aangels ceased to minister unto the children of men.
30 For behold, they are subject unto him, to minister according to the word of his command, showing themselves unto them of strong faith and a firm mind in every form of agodliness.

Yesterday we had zone conference in the Santo zone.  One missionary, during the last part of conference where we share testimonies, stood up and share this sacred story that happened to him while he was serving in Tanna. 

One morning, him and his companion were praying and looking at the map of their area to receive direction where they should work.  They had never been to the east part of their area and felt they should go there.  The next day, they woke up early, studied the scriptures, did everything they should do in the morning, took a backpack and filled it up with copies of the Book of Mormon and Pamphlets of the restoration, water and they left at 7:00am.  They had asked someone to show them how to get to the village on the east side and estimated they would have to walk for 1-2 hours. 

They walked for one, then, two then three…then 5 hours.  Always feeling they should not stop.  They were bound to get there soon.  They walked for 10 hours.  It was getting dark, they were out of water, had no food, just books and they did not know what to do. They were getting scared.  So, they kneeled down and poured their hearts to Heavenly Father to show them the way and know what to do.  After they prayed, they asked each other what thoughts had come to their mind.  One shared what came to him:  Keep walking then turn left for a while and then… His companion finished: then turn right then left.  Yes, they both felt this was exactly what they should do.  And so, they did. 

A few hours later, they saw a light in the distance.  They walked toward the light and came to a very nice bush house, the nicest one they had seen.  They called out and no one came out.  They decided to go in still calling for someone but nobody was there.  There was a pot of cooked yams on the stove.  They decided to eat some of it, ended up eating the whole pot and decided to stay there to sleep and if someone came they would explain their situation.  No one came and the next day they left going straight ahead.  Soon after, they entered the village.  People were surprised to see two young men in a white shirt and tie, most of the people did not wear much clothes.  The
people surrounded them and ask them where they were from. They told them about their travel and they asked if they knew the owner of that nice bush house where they ate and slept because they wanted to pay for the food they ate.  The people said there was no such bush house and asked the elders to show them where it was.  They turned around to walk back where they came from and could not find the bush house.

The missionary who shared this experience said they knew that Heavenly father had watched over them.

When I heard this experience it touched my heart because of an experience I had the day before as I was reading  Chapter 7 of Moroni (in Bislama)
"Mo Kraes i bin talem:  Sapos bae yufala I gat fet long mi, bae yufala i gat paoa blong mekem eni samting we i nid blong mekem long plan blong mi."

"And Christ hath said:  If ye will have  faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me."

I heard the Lord speaking to me and He was saying these words to me in Bislama.  If you have faith in me, you will have the power to do eni samting for me.  I just knew it was true and it was for me right then and now.  I have received another personal witness the Lord speaks to me through the words in the Book of Mormon.  And so far He has done it in French, in English, in Spanish and in Bislama.  He counsels me and gives me words of encouragements.  I love the Book of Mormon and I know it contains the words of God for each one of us.  Please read it every day.
                                                               Sisters in Santo

I love that the sisters have a dress or skirt made every zone conference.  It costs them about $10-$15 (fabric and labor) 

Boys walking in front of the chapel in Tanna.  I asked them if I could take a picture of them.  The young boy with the light blue shirt is holding a foot long bush knife in his left hand.  The missionaries told us they see even younger kids with these big knives and using them.  I once saw a little girl about 4-5 years old peeling an orange with a big knife.  I wanted to take it away from her to do it myself but I think she knew how to use it better than I could.

When we go to Tanna, we rent a garden bungalow in this beautiful resort called Evergreen.  This was the view in front of our bungalow this time.

The Sunset in Tanna is always so beautiful.

 Coming back from dinner we met this little guy on the path leading to our bungalow.  Do you know what it is?
It's a giant hermit crab

The Tanna district president's wife prepared for us this meal for zone conference.
Taro, Rice and chicken soup.
Grand-papa says it was good.  I had an upset stomach so I did not try to eat.  We were leaving, flying back to Port Vila after lunch.

 I really like taking pictures of grand-papa taking pictures for the mission Facebook page.

At the airport in Tanna.  It is a little bigger than the one in Malekula.  From the check-in counter we can see where they pile our luggage to wheel to the plane.
It was a full, busy, great week.  Elder Mulitalo with the sores on his ankle left Tuesday morning for Utah to have these wounds taken care of.  It was decided Monday while we were in Santo and I spoke to the medical advisor in the Pacific for the missionaries after speaking with the nurse in Port Vila who had seen Elder Mulitalo that morning.  We spoke to Elder Mulitalo when we were in Tanna Friday, and he was being released from the hospital and waiting for the results of the biopsy.  To be continued...

Fruits in the mission home's backyard.  First picture, I do not know what it is or if we can eat those or just the birds.
Second picture, popo (papaya), Third picture the mangoes are starting to grow. smol, smol

Yufala I gat wan gudfala wik mo mifala I lavem yufala tumas.


  1. Love hearing your missionary experiences. It looks like such a beautiful place. The colors are glorious. We send our love and prayers. June & Frank


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