2019 Week 39 (23-30 Septembre)

The best part of the end of week 38 and week 39 was talking with Kade and Jacob for their birthday.
(Sorry Kade if I did not mention this last week.)
Kade is 9 years old now and Jacob is 13 years old.  We are so thankful for both of you in our lives.  We miss you a lot.  We have a few missionaries that have the same first name as you both do.  Now we call them Elder but when they finish their mission and are back home we call them by their first name.  I will always think of you each time.  Mifala lavem yutufala tumas. 😘😘

We started the week with ants in the bathroom.  Lots of dead ants.  Ezzy Kill, the pest control company came Tuesday but when we came back Sunday night, we still had some in the bathtub.😒
So Ezzy Kill is coming back in two days.  

We enjoyed the dad joke Etienne put on Family Chat.  A good laugh is often the perfect remedy to remember not to take the annoying little inconveniences like dead ants in the bathtub too seriously.  Better laugh than cry.  "Crying gives me a headache", sister Hinckley would say.

In order to have nice looking zone pictures, we need the instructions of our amazing Mission President.  I think he is so adorable.  And he does a fantastic job.  Not just in organizing good zone pictures but most importantly in leading the mission.  We were with three zones this week in two zone conferences.  I just LOVE Zone Conferences!!!!!
                                          Tanna Zone

                                          Efate Zone
                                           Santo Zone                    

Look at this beautiful spread Sister Carlson and the Senior missionaries of Efate prepared for us.
You have heard of an Hawaian Hay Stack, this was renamed by Sister Carlson a Port Vila Hay Stack.  It was so good.

                                                   This was my plate.  So colorful and so tasty.

Saturday and Sunday, we attended the Luganville District Conference (in Santo).  We gave a talk each on Saturday and Sunday, plus a training together on Saturday.  
I am getting better at writing my talks in Bislama. I just cannot make them longer than 10 minutes.  So I am happy grand-papa can speak longer in English and with translation we use the time that was allotted to us.  I noticed that even the district leaders do not speak longer than 10 minutes even if they were allotted 20 minutes.  All is well.  We never go over and sometimes, when it is so hot, I am sure nobody minds if we finish a little sooner.
Below is the choir that sang Saturday at the beginning of the meeting.  Even the children came in the front.  They were so cute, smiling and excited.  They all got in the front and sang facing each other.  It sounded real good and it invited the Spirit.  

The members make for us lays of flowers.  These smelled really good.

We had the day before both zone conference, a discussion group with the missionaries leaving next transfer called My Plan.  Below is a drawing that Elder Gunnel (he served as our assistant at one point) made.  He likes to doodle what comes to his mind as we discuss principles.  

When we were in Fiji for the Mission Leadership Seminar, we received this book.  I started reading it a little at a time.  I do not want to bring this heavy book in my suitcase when we travel.  I have enjoyed reading about President Nelson's experiences and what he has learned and how the Lord has prepared his prophet.  These insights are shared to bless our lives also.  Through his life's experiences as a surgeon he learned:  " Blessings depend on truth and obedience to law.  Said Elder Nelson years later, "you can pray all you want, you can hope all you want, but until the law is fulfilled upon which that blessing is predicated it won't happen"
"Russell Nelson learned about the incontrovertibility of divine law in the operating room, and he learned to respect the power and blessings that result from obeying law."  
"In other words, he later explained, whenever a  blessing is received, it's because a law has been obeyed.  And that means certain procedures will always work -not just most of the time, not just some of the time, but every single time without exception.  That takes the pressure off an individual who is willing to study the laws that govern the physical body and be obedient to them."

I was touched by this teaching and I know it is truth.

We love the beautiful flowers and plants we see here.  We saw this one in Santo.

This conclude the blog this week.  
We love you Sooooo much.
Mifala lavem yufala tumas
Mo mifala missim yufala tumas tu.


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