2020 Semaine 4 (21-26 janvier)

Another incredible week went by faster than the birds flying and diving in the pool.

We flew to Tanna Tuesday for the first zone conference of this series.  We knew it would be a small plane but did not expect it to be that small.  One of the assistants, Elder Daly was quite excited, it was his first time right behind the pilot.  Interestingly, our flight was delayed one hour and we received a message about one of our missionaries in New Caledonia that have an allergic reaction and she had to go to the hospital the night before.  Because we were delayed, we were able to address somewhat the situation and talk with her father who is also her stake president. I also was able to contact the area medical advisor for the missionaries in the Pacific.  It was decided to wait until we came back from Tanna and see how the medicine was working for her before a decision was made. Even if by the next day she was feeling a lot better, it was decided that she should return home to meet with an allergist and assess what the problem is.  We hope she will return with us but there is also the possibility for her to finish her mission state side.  We are sad to see her go but know it is the right thing to do.

We had a smooth flight to Tanna and we were very happy to be with the missionaries there.

During our stay, we learned that some of our children will be with us in June!!! Tickets are bought!!!

On our flight back to Vila on Friday, we noticed the state of the ceiling of the plane we were on.  Thank you Heavenly Father for watching over us every day.

Today was a super fun and exciting day.  Chantal (grand-papa's sister) and her husband Robert, came for a day visit.  It is part of their cruise to stop in Vanuatu.  We took them a little around to admire the beautiful areas of our island.  I was overcome with emotion when I saw them.  How is it going to be when I see our children!  The waterfalls will be in my eyes.

 We have been members of the Church for 45 years.  We finally gave them a Book of Mormon.  I pray the power of this book will touch their heart and bless their lives.
Elder  D. Todd Christofferson said: " Scripture is a source of truth, and it fosters personal revelation.  You have probably had the same experience that I have had when pondering a verse.  Sometimes new light comes with greater understanding of what I am reading, and at other times a little burst of truth springs forth that is quite unrelated to the words on the page.  Either way, being in the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, puts us in a condition to receive gifts of greater light and knowledge."  

So true! The Ensign is a great tool to help us study the Book of Mormon as a family.  I have been enjoying the articles of the January issue.  Please study the Book of Mormon together.  It will bless your lives so very much.  I promise.  I always keep my promises. 😍
Have a great week!  We love you so very much.

Mifala i stap givim yufala wan bigfala hug!


  1. Always wonderful to read your weekly news and see the picture of such beauty of God's creations. That's wonderful to have some family visit and more to come in the summer. We love and pray for you and the great missionaries there.


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